Sunday, April 26, 2009

Now on facebook!

So I caved after my sister-in-law sent me an invite to facebook. I don't want to get obsessed or addicted like some. So ya, there you go check me out. I don't know how it works so advise will be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

yeah......ok so I will send you an friend invite and then we can be able to chat and check each others status. Down at the bottom shows you if you online and who else is at the same time. Green is for is for off...=) Also at the top is your home page. This shows you all your friends and what they are posting...It is like another way of checking e-mails...that kind of thing but with pictures and comments. Oh and then your profile is everything you post and people that write on your wall...Does this help. I am still new myself but I think I am getting the hang of it...=) Let me know if you have any questions...

Mrs. J said...

Sent you a friend invite on facbook.